Did you know 85% of women experience perineal trauma during vaginal childbirth?

It helps a lot of women to know that they are far from alone if they have suffered a trauma to their perineum (the region between the lower end of the vagina and the anus) during childbirth.

Perineal trauma resulting from a tear or an episiotomy (surgical cut of the perineum) is extremely common. But while it is common, ongoing pain and problems are not.  If you are feeling pain with intimacy or simple activities or if things just don’t feel right, it is a good idea to seek help.

For a lot of women, the trauma heals naturally with no after-effects. However, some women experience ongoing discomfort and other problems, such as bowel and bladder issues or sexual pain, long after the birth of their baby.

These problems should not be a permanent result of having a baby.  Physiotherapy, in most cases, can assist you with a supportive and informative recovery if you seek help when you need it.  

Common symptoms of unresolved perineal trauma

  • Poor bladder or bowel control
  • Pain when sitting
  • Painful sex or fear of resuming sex
  • Bladder leakage, such as leaking urine when you sneeze, laugh, exercise or cough

Increased risk factors

  • The need for forceps or vacuum during a vaginal birth
  • Giving birth vaginally to a larger than average baby (over 4kg)
  • If this is your first baby
  • Epidural
  • If the baby is not in an ideal position for birth during the second stage of labour

How can we help?

Physiotherapy, when delivered by a Physio who specialises in Women’s Health can help you recover quickly and return to normal activities and intimacy with confidence.

What to expect?

You will see one of our Physiotherapists who specialises in Women’s Pelvic Health. She will begin by asking you a series of questions about the birth of your baby and your pelvic floor habits to obtain a detailed history.

If you are experiencing pain, discomfort or other problems following a perineal tear or episiotomy, don’t just put up with it and suffer in silence. Contact us to make an appointment for a one-on-one consultation and assessment today.

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